“yum yum dam good”
We Service
Des Moines area, Jasper County, Oskaloosal, Story county, Warren county, State Center. 50 miles around Colfax IA is generally free with $4 mile after
About Us
We love to eat and cook, prepare, and explore new foods. We had a restaurant, but husband had a stroke and then covid more or less shut us down. We then started a food truck. Which I think we should have done in the first place. We are putting out the same great food all over the state of Iowa. Different people every week plus the same customers from the restaurant. Our JANA'S SNACK SHACK thanks to all the good people that love to eat. YUM YUM DAM GOOD!
Our Food
Tenderloins, Italian grinder, Italian sausage, Smash burger, Pulled pork, Chicken tenders, Walking taco, chef salad, onion rings, French fries, hot dogs, jalapeno cheddar sausage dog, grilled cheese, grilled ham & cheese, 24oz. lemonade, 16oz bottled sodas and water
Signature Dish:  Italian (guinea) grinder and onion rings or tenderloin and onion rings
Mission Dates